One employee is confiding in another employee while they are seated at their desks

Breaking the Silence: How Workplace Violence and Harassment Erodes Employee Wellbeing 

Workplace violence and harassment and the impacts on workplace culture

When was the last time you reviewed your workplace violence and harassment policy? Whether you’ve experienced it firsthand, seen its effects on colleagues, or only read about it, we can all agree that harassment is a major issue that can impact anyone, anywhere. This blogpost will explore what workplace harassment is, how it affects employees and overall company culture, and what we can do to address it. 

Is your workplace violence or harassment policy compliant?

A violence and harassment policy demonstrates an organization’s commitment to creating and maintaining a safe workplace for all employees. It reflects a zero-tolerance stance toward any form of violence or harassment, whether perpetrated by or against an employee. This policy also reinforces that the organization complies with occupational health and safety legislation, ensuring employees are aware of their rights and protections. Furthermore, it serves as a reminder that the policy is accessible for review, with clear instructions on where a copy can be found.

A workplace violence and harassment policy sets out:

  • Definitions of workplace violence and harassment;
  • The responsibilities of different parties regarding workplace violence and harassment;
  • Assessment and prevention procedures;
  • How to report incidents of workplace violence and harassment; and
  • Investigation procedures.

Monitor for developments in violence and harassment legislation in your jurisdiction and update policies as required. Share these updates with employees promptly and ensure the latest policy is easily accessible to everyone, such as through a common room or noticeboard. This whole process can be labor-intensive, which is why we specialize in simplifying compliance management for our partners. Our secure human resource information system (HRIS) provides automatic compliance updates, seamless policy template revisions, and best-practice recommendations from industry experts. With an efficient platform for assigning and tracking training, you’ll have the all tools and confidence to stay ahead of evolving legislation.

What is harassment? 

Workplace harassment definitions can vary depending on jurisdiction, but it isn’t just someone being a bit rude or having a bad day. According to the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), it’s defined as a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. It includes virtual conduct and can include behaviours that intimidate, isolate, or discriminate against a worker, and yes, it can come from anyone in the workplace—from colleagues to supervisors, and even clients. 

How harassment impacts the workplace 

Now that we know what harassment is, let’s take a deeper look at its impact on the workplace across five key areas. 

  1. Emotional and Psychological Consequences: Harassment can take a heavy toll on an employee’s mental health. Victims may experience increased stress, anxiety, or depression, which can lead to decreased productivity and job satisfaction. The constant fear of encountering harassment can make employees feel isolated and undermine their self-confidence. This emotional strain doesn’t just affect the victim but can also create a toxic atmosphere that lowers morale across the board.
  1. Career Progression and Professional Growth: Harassment can stall an employee’s career progression. When under constant stress or fear, employees may miss opportunities for skill development and advancement. Concerns about retaliation or damage to their reputation might prevent them from reporting the harassment or participating in activities that could enhance their career. This reluctance stifles growth and can limit a victim’s professional opportunities. 
  1. Legal and Financial Consequences: From a legal standpoint, harassment can be costly for both employees and employers. Victims have the right to pursue legal action, which can lead to emotionally and financially taxing litigation for all parties. Failing to address harassment can also result in hefty penalties for employers and damage to their reputation. This can also have broader implications for the company’s financial health and standing in the market, as well as directly increase turnover. 
  1. Impact on Workplace Culture: Perhaps one of the most pervasive effects of harassment is its impact on workplace culture. A hostile environment erodes trust, undermines teamwork, and stifles creativity and innovation. Employees are less likely to engage with or contribute to a workplace where they feel unsafe or undervalued. To cultivate a positive and productive work environment, organizations must prioritize creating a culture of respect and inclusivity. 

Become a leader in safe, healthy workplaces with team of experts on your side!

Creating a safe and inclusive workplace is not just a legal obligation—it’s a vital component of a healthy company culture. By taking proactive measures, you can protect your employees, foster a supportive environment, and ensure your business thrives.  If you’re concerned about how harassment might be affecting your workplace, taking action is essential. At Citation Canada, we’re here to help. Our team of HR and Health & Safety professionals offer the latest HR content and trusted guidance to help you recognize, address, and prevent violence and harassment in your organization. 

Don’t wait until harassment or violence becomes an issue. Book a demo with Citation Canada today and see how our Health & Safety resources can support your HR strategy and create a harassment-free workplace. Together, we can make your company a place where everyone feels valued and safe!